1. Laziness. The simple fact of the matter is that it's not easy to write every two weeks, which was my original plan. It takes a lot of dedication and drive, and I was seriously lacking in those two departments.
2. Fear. Something that I learned from blogging is that you should always know who your audience is. In college it's easy to write whatever you feel like without any repercussions (apart from grades, obviously), because your only audience is a professor. On the world wide web, however, just about anyone can access your thoughts if you put them out there. Word got back to me that the assistant to the director of ADRA Argentina had been reading, and even though we are good friends, the implications of that made me feel a little restricted. In addition, some of my Argentinian friends were not entirely happy with some of my characterizations of their culture. I realize now I should have been more careful criticizing another culture as easily as I criticize my own.
3. Time. I am busy. Sometimes it may not seem that way when you see me on Facebook, but I really do have a lot of responsibilities here. When I do have free time, it's not exactly the most fun or relaxing thing to sum up the energy to write, rather than decompress.
So there you have it, folks. A short sum-up of my absence from the blogging world. I can't promise that I'll be getting back on the horse, but I'm going to try. Or, to use one of my favorite Bart Simpson quotes, "I can't promise you I'll try, but I'll try to try."
Sounds good!